Creative Uses for Lanyards

Creative Uses for Lanyards

Lanyards are widely used, and often provided at workplaces, schools, festivals, and other events as a way of safely carrying ID, tickets and passes. However, this can mean that many people have unused lanyards laying around their home. Instead of them ending up in landfill or cluttering the home we have some creative uses for lanyards that you may like to try.

Why Should Lanyards be Reused?

There is no doubting that lanyards are extremely useful, and a fundamental part of life for some people. Many lanyards get a lot of use, for example NHS workers, office staff, and school or college students are often given a lanyard to hold their identification, and it is worn during every work or school day for at least a year if not longer. However, some businesses hand out lanyards as a promotional tool, or to carry a ticket or event pass, these lanyards are essential for the day but what happens afterwards?

Many of these lanyards are discarded, put in a drawer, and forgotten about, however, they can be a useful everyday accessory. Apart from the wastefulness of not reusing lanyards there is also the environmental impact. Absolute Lanyards stocks a wide selection of environmentally friendly lanyards that you can find out more about here. Reusing lanyards in creative ways is one of the best ways to protect the environment and can also help you to overcome everyday inconveniences.

Everyday Reuses for Lanyards

Creatively using lanyards to help with everyday tasks will help to minimise waste. As a business, if you are giving out custom lanyards that will only be used for the duration of the event, you could consider suggesting some of these handy uses for lanyards to ensure that they are reused.

  • Carrying sanitiser
  • Carrying keys
  • Carrying cash
  • Whistle
  • Torch
  • Pen carrier
  • Dummy/toy saver

Encouraging reuse of personalised lanyards will provide ongoing marketing and exposure for your business and helps to boost your eco-credentials. Let’s look at some of the above suggestions for reusing lanyards in more detail.

Lanyards to Carry Hand Sanitiser

Following the recent coronavirus pandemic there is an increased awareness of hand hygiene and sanitation. Many companies have launched mini bottles of sanitiser to carry in handbags or attached to a backpack or belt loop. However, sanitiser can easily be attached to a lanyard with a clip and carried with you. Using a lanyard makes the sanitiser easily accessible for regular use, a must if you have small children that touch everything in sight.

Lanyards for Keys

For adults and kids alike, keys are easily lost or misplaced. You could consider clipping your keys to a lanyard to wear around your neck. This is a great choice during the summer months when you may not have big coat pockets to stuff keys into. A lanyard with your keys is unobtrusive, can’t slip out of shallow, open pockets, and allows your hands to be free. 

Carrying Cash/ Bank Cards

Whether you live or work in a big city, or for travelling you may be worried about visibly carrying a bag that could be snatched. A lanyard with an attached zipped pouch is ideal for securely carrying bank cards and cash. It can easily be concealed inside a jacket or down the front of a top allowing you to enjoy the sights handsfree and without the concern of keeping your bag safe.

Lanyards for Accessories

A lanyard with a clip can carry any number of useful tools. Do you play sports, work with children or animals then you may use a whistle regularly, a whistle can be attached to a lanyard making it easily accessible when you need to pause the game or recall the dog. Talking about dogs, lanyards can be handy to carry doggy essentials, such as a pouch with treats, waste bags, or a torch to help you see when walking at night.

You may not need a lanyard for work, but do you need a pen? Attaching a pouch to a lanyard for storing pens, pencils, and other stationary can help save your clothing from ink stains. Other accessories that can be carried with a lanyard would be mini scissors, a multi-tool, penknife, the list is almost endless!

Dummy/ Toy Saver

Heading out with a baby or toddler in a pushchair can be like a military operation, only for them to spit their dummy on the floor or drop their favourite toy within minutes of leaving home. A lanyard attached to a buggy or car seat (not the baby!) can help to keep their beloved items safe. No more dirty, unusable dummies or lost teddies.

Did you find this list of ideas for reusing lanyards helpful? Do you have any other suggestions? We’d love to hear how you reuse lanyards, send us a message and your pictures showing us your creative uses for lanyards.