The man behind the company

The man behind the company

As far as business is concerned, there are many things that can obstruct you. That being said, some things can come out of nowhere on a personal level and have a physical effect on you being able to do some of the things you would normally do day to day.

Our director Paul Cartwright doesn’t let osteoarthritis hold him back. In fact Paul is an inspiration to the entire team here at Absolute Lanyards. Unfortunately, he was diagnosed with bowel cancer and subsequently had an extensive course of chemotherapy. Close analysis of tissue samples from Paul revealed that he is a member of the Lynch Syndrome club.

He has the genetic mutation that predisposes him to this, but to this day, Paul considers himself to be incredibly fortunate; the diagnosis was caught early enough for it to be treated and checked regularly, both of which hold promising signs for the future.

Although Paul was able to spot the signs early, it’s commonly understood that more than 80% of NHS hospitals are failing to consistently test bowel cancer patients for the genetic condition Lynch syndrome, according to Bowel Cancer UK. A case with more media coverage was Stephan Sutton who tragically lost his life at 19 back in 2014.

If you need any inspiration for today, we hope this can help as although there may seem to be insurmountable obstacles in your path, that doesn’t mean that you can’t continue to pursue a life and a career. We’re very excited for what the future has in store for us, and we’re glad to have people like Paul on board with us.

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– The Absolute Lanyards Team